The new iPad has been breaking sales records but it has been marred with some issues from the first day of its launch. It all started with the complaints that the device gets too hot during heavy tasks which make it uncomfortable, then there were reports of WiFi connectivity problems and latest reports suggest the the tablet is experiencing some issues with charging and the device shows a 100 % full charge even before reaching its capacity.

Now Apple has responded to such issues and it admits that the device shows fake 100 % charge but they claim that it is a knowing decision which is shared by almost all iOS products.  Apple does, in fact, display the iPad as 100 percent charged just before a device reaches a completely charged state. At that point, it will continue charging to 100 percent, then discharge a bit and charge back up to 100 percent, repeating that process until the device is unplugged.

AllThingsD heard from the Apple VP Michael Tchao, “That circuitry is designed so you can keep your device plugged in as long as you would like,” Tchao said. “It’s a great feature that’s always been in iOS.”

Apple says that they never revealed about this particular feature since it would distract and confuse consumers and the design seems to be on all iPhones and iPods too but it has been noticed just now with the new iPad.