UC Browser a leading mobile browser, has teamed up with Twitter and Microsoft Bing to deliver specialised digital content for cricket lovers in India ahead of the upcoming cricket T20 world cup season. The three-way pact will provide a mobile gateway to all things cricket, through the debut of a revamped UC Cricket. The new cricket content aggregation platform in UC Browser i.e UC Cricket is designed to provide cricket content such as live score, news, videos, live tweets, photo, highlights, stats, previews, commentaries and more. UC Cricket was first introduced back in 2013 to offer news and updates about cricket matches. And has now evolved to become a cricket content platform with over 100 per cent growth in the average daily visitors over last year.According to the partnership, Twitter will provide live, public, and conversational content related to cricket matches on UC Cricket such as trending Tweets of cricketers, and exclusive Twitter-only content from official cricket team accounts such as native videos, Periscopes, Vines, and photos. Bing, a leading search engine of Microsoft, will provide predictions to upcoming games via Bing Predicts. UC Cricket also comes with a series of new features, including a floating widget called UC Express which allows users to access cricket content, with customisable notification, which enables users to subscribe to an upcoming game for push notification update when the game starts. Twitter integration is already livecon UC Cricket. Bing integration with UC Cricket will go live from 14 March.
According to the partnership, Twitter will provide live, public, and conversational content related to cricket matches on UC Cricket such as trending Tweets of cricketers, and exclusive Twitter-only content from official cricket team accounts such as native videos, Periscopes, Vines, and photos. Bing, a leading search engine of Microsoft, will provide predictions to upcoming games via Bing Predicts. UC Cricket also comes with a series of new features, including a floating widget called UC Express which allows users to access cricket content, with customisable notification, which enables users to subscribe to an upcoming game for push notification update when the game starts. Twitter integration is already live on UC Cricket. Bing integration with UC Cricket will go live from 14 March.