rsz_facebookgraphsearchlead01Well everyone practically having a Facebook account can get their hands-on with the new of searching things using what Facebook likes to call “Graph Search”. After using it for a while we got ourselves clear with how it manages to drag results.Using the four “pillars”(keywords) of Graph Search — people, photos, places and interests — As shown we looked up terms like “My friends who like Star Wars and Star Trek,” “Restaurants in Mumbai that my friends like,” “Photos of hiking in national parks” and managed to get results every time.


Pretty much reminds us of the days Google spent in ranking recommendations by friends in search queries.  Well for Facebook things got easy as for the wealth of all personal information they had at their disposal. Though Facebook doesn’t fail to mention that no privacy was infringed or misused. Getting back to the features, the personalized search engine performs pretty well in providing sorted and relevant information.There’s a side bar of drop-downs to refine the search further — you can narrow the results by gender, categories, interests, etc. Overall we found the UI to be clean and intuitive. We’ve shared a useful link to get in the waiting list to try it.


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