Android is known for its numerous apps for various purposes. Some being replicas of apps on other platforms and some being uniquely different. I accidentally came across a media app which amused me and found it worth sharing.

doubleTwist for Android is yet another multimedia app but with some very awesome, unique features. It is easily one of the best all-in-one music, podcast, radio, video, and sync apps you can find. It’s feature list looks like this:

♬ Sync music (including iTunes playlists) to your phone from your Mac/PC over USB or AirSync over WiFi.
♬ Download legal, high-quality album artwork for your music.
♬ Smart Playlists for easy access to your Top Rated and Most Played songs.
♬ Subscribe to podcasts without needing a Mac/PC and get new episodes downloaded automatically over 3G or WiFi.
♬ Stream music, videos and photos to devices such as Xbox, PS3, Sonos, and Apple TV (black model; AirPort Express not yet supported).

Apart from these, the app has an amazing user interface, even better than the stock player. You can easily swipe to change views: up – down for the music, left for settings, and right for videos. The app has headset controls when given access. There is a lockscreen included with the app that is a prominent feature and enhances its looks. Look below for screenshots.

The app has two versions available in Play Store: free and paid. The paid version has some premium features like airsync. Although some bugs have been reported about the app, it’s still worth 3.5/5

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try and do let us know in the comments below.


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