Remember few days we gave you the review for Holo Launcher? The ICS launcher for Gingerbread ROMs?

Recently they came out with simple and fast lock screen replacement, based on stock Jelly Bean lock screen. Holo locker is not a theme for Go Locker or others, it is the real Jelly Bean lock screen app running on the top of default lock screen.

More customization options will be added in future.

The app is compatible with Android 2.2 and up and is available on Google Play Store for free.

Install or Not

Holo locker is very light lock screen app which responds quickly. No lag or anything, which is a problem with others. It doesn’t even feel like you are using a custom lock screen. The app packs in about 169KB and runs smoothly, but yes with a small participation in overall memory and battery usage.

[easyreview title=”Install or Not Scorecard” cat1title=”User friendly” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”3.7″ cat2title=”Performance” cat2detail=”” cat2rating=”4.0″ cat3title=”Appearence” cat3detail=”” cat3rating=”4.5″ summary=””]


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