Most of us have several questions before buying a mobile phone, such as what are its specifications, what accessories will be in the box, what is the best price available, where can we buy at that price, etc. Well, it depends on what kind of a person you are. After all we are paying for the device, and we should know all this first. Now you don’t need to browse several different websites for this. We now have PriceBaba which can answer all of our queries.

PriceBaba is a location based search engine, helping the real world shoppers to search prices in
their vicinity.


  1. Gives the price of the mobile phone and tablets
  2. Device availability with regular price updates
  3. Gives price history as to what ups and down it has gone through
  4. Nearby seller location along with seller rating
  5. Device specifications and basic information about the device
  6. Other suggestions in the price range

Install or not:

PriceBaba gives answers to all the queries one can have a the time of purchase. The buyers can look for sellers not only in their city but in their locality as well. The only drawback is that it is limited only to Mumbai and Thane. Hope that they expand their limits in future. The web app is available at and is compatible with your favourite web browser. So need to download anything, just type in the url and give it a try.

[easyreview title=”Install or Not Scorecard” cat1title=”User friendly” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”3.5″ cat2title=”Performance” cat2detail=”” cat2rating=”3.5″ cat3title=”Appearence” cat3detail=”” cat3rating=”3.5″ summary=””]


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