WhatsApp message recalls has been a thing for a while though it never rolled out to users. Today as reported by Android Police, WhatsApp has started to roll out this feature gradually to its users on their latest beta.
Much like what we use on Telegram, the sender can recall a sent message from his/her chat with the recipient on selecting the right option. Message Deletion for all lets the sender delete a message not only from his/her chat but also from recipient’s history until he/she has not seen it. We know there are plenty of reasons why we would love to have this feature ASAP.
However, this feature comes with a set of restrictions. Let’s have a look:
- Messages can only be deleted if the request is made under 7 minutes after sending them.
- If someone already saw the message there is no going back but yes, you can still make a request and your deletion will only affect their ability to take a screenshot or search for its content later.
- The requestor will never get to know if the message was actually deleted at the other end.
Being a slow rollout only to beta builds as of now, make sure you have subscribed to WhatsApp Beta program on Google Play Store. You can also grab the latest apk from APK Mirror and check if its available for you. While we are still waiting it to land our unit, let’s have a look at the original source Android Police to know how this feature actually works.