It has now been finally observed, and it doesn’t really seem to surprise anyone. The latest reports indicate that iPhone 4S users are consuming data twice as much data as their iPhone 4 counterparts. That is a lot of data being consumed, considering that iPhone 4 and 4S differ slightly (in term of data usage).

The study carried out by Telecom network technology firm Arieso that 4S is consuming three times the amount of data being consumed by 3GS.

iPhone users are believed to be using data more than their other counterparts, thanks to wide variety of apps. Calls and SMS are passé, the new trend is data, where the carriers make profit now.

Arieso blames the Siri (Personal Voice Assistant) feature of iPhone 4S for the consumption. Although reports show that Siri’s actual data transmission is small, but for some, who are heavy users of this feature, the data piles on. So if you’re a Siri dependent person, better keep a watch on your data consumption.


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