Intel Technology and Innovation Tour was held in Mumbai on 13th October, 2014. The event showcased a few smartphones, tablets and 2-in-1 laptops, powered by various Intel processors. Thaine Creitz ( Director, Technical Sales and Architecture Enabling at Intel) demonstrated some of the latest innovations from the Intel including Intel Core M and Intel Real Sense Technology.  


(3D Printed Characters using Intel Technology)

The application developments made in the 2-in-1 laptop segment were shown. Stage Light application was tested in front of us. It was shown that the application was optimised for hybrid computers. Just when the keyboard was detached, the interface of the application changed and the touch buttons became visible.

In the same way, a few games were shown which were optimised for 2-in-1’s. As one would put on the tablet mode, the virtual keys appeared on the screen, making it really easy to play games on such devices.


Moving on with the presentation, Thaine told us about Intel’s strategies to strengthen its hold in the computer segment. Intel has planned to provide high performance CPUs and increase its marketing spending in order to educate customers about its latest products and their functionality.


The presentation had listed a few latest processors from Intel which included First 4-Core 4GHz Intel processor, First 8-Core Intel i7 processor Extreme Edition, First DT Intel Iris Pro 5th Gen Intel Core processor and finally the Intel Pentium Anniversary Edition processor. These processor have been launched by Intel to deliver stunning performance.

There were ample of tablets, convertables and mini PCs to play with. Getting some hands-on time with the Oculus Rift was awesome as well.


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