ceo porjectAs announced earlier LeEco was scouting for 200 chief experience officers or CEOs (Chief Experience Officer), who will get the Le 2 smartphone free of cost and a privilege card having numerous benefits. All applicants will be required to visit and secure their position as a LeEco CEO, and first 200 will be eligible to become one of the chief experience officers. The registrations for the CEO program started at 12 noon on June 15, 2016 and were closed at 10 am on June 20, 2016. The project is a one of its kind extraordinary campaign in terms of the concept and nature undertaken in the country so far. The Chief Experience Officers (CEO) are part are the company’s CP2C program (Customer Planning to Customer) initiative whereby these CEOs will give feedback to the company to help it constantly improve the user experience of the Superphones. The company requests the CEOs to explore every aspect of the smartphone, to analyze its performance, camera, design, etc. and to post a full-scale review on LeMe community.

Fortunately LeEco’s unique CEO project became an outstanding success on the company’s recently launched marketplace e-commerce website, with an impressive number of more than 1,00,000 registrations. The immense success of the program demonstrates the growing popularity of LeEco’s Le 2 given its distinctive features and revolutionary CDLA technology which is a world first.

The first flash sale for Le 2 starts at 12 noon on June 28th, registrations for which is open now until 11 AM, on June 28th. For Le Max2, registration is now open till 28 June 1PM followed by the flash sale at 2 PM on 28 June.


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