LG has launched two new wireless headsets in the TONEFREE range in India: HBS-FN7 and HBS-FN6. These truly wireless earbuds have their audio signature tuned by Meridian and also feature UVnano charging cradle and the top-of-the-line FN7 model even has active noise cancellation.

Both models feature exclusive drivers and a sound signature tuned by Meridian, a British audio technology company. The wireless earbuds have realistic sound with impeccable voice reproduction and also feature Meridian EQ settings, which are four individual presets to suit the listener’s musical tastes. In particular, the FN7 features high-performance, silicone-coated drivers for richer bass and denser, textured dampers for cleaner midrange and treble.

The TONEFREE FN7 also features Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), which uses three microphones in each earpiece to reduce high-frequency noise. Another important feature: both earbuds are equipped with a UVnano charging station that disinfects the earbuds with UV light when stored in the case.

The LG TONEFREE FN7 costs Rs 29,990 and the FN6 Rs 24,990 and is available from the 5th of January.


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