Auto-Correct feature does helps us many times but at some moments its totally like a serious headache if you want to write in your native language which it keeps on auto-correcting after a space is executed or asking again and again to do. Its like a “Necessary Evil if one owns a touch-screen phone. But this time , it created a mishap, no a “Panic” would be a better word in Georgia which lead to a lock-down of two schools.

Here’s what happened — A student tried to send his friend a message in the usual Message Language vocab , which was – “Gunna be at West Hall today” , which was auto-corrected by the phone and sent to the other boy as – “Gunman at West Hall today”.  The other kid being an alert and responsible citizen passed the message to the Police department which lead to lock-down at two schools there. Later ,the source was traced and the lock-down was cancelled. There is no info on which OS was responsible for this, but it sure may have lead some people thinking on the inclusion of words in the feature.


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