Sharing music is now at ease. Facebook launches “listen with” services which is simultaneous music listening and group chat room feature. “Listen with” allows you to choose one of your friend as your DJ. As clicked Spotify or Rdio will instantly launch as you’ll start hearing whatever that friend plays in real time. Other friends can also join the room where you can discuss like you all are listening all together in person.

Listen With will begin rolling out later today for Spotify users, Rdio will gain support in the next few days, and Facebook plans to add more music partners soon. This feature will force to concentrate more on public listening rooms and celebrity DJs as in sync music sharing will now be Facebook’s part. This feature will increase user’s Facebook on-time and will boost music sharing services. Previously when one had to listen individually via itunes, pirate downloads or any other service on recommendations by friends but now just sign up for a service and you are ready not to miss anything which will thereby reduce pirated contents as well.

In respond to Facebook’s listen with says “we are flattered by Facebook’s listen with but we are different”. Turnable’s co-founder Billy Chasen says we not emphasize on music sharing just by friends rather it will be more adventurous if people joined public rooms.


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