The Dual Core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 system on chip, previously known under the name of Krait was put under testing by AnandTech last week and the results obtained were nothing short of outstanding. The processor, clocking upto 1.5 GHz, gave a score of 1,532 on the SunSpider bechnmark utility and 110,345 in BrowserMark.

AnandTech termed its usage as ‘the absolute smoothest we have ever seen ICS run’. Comparing benchmark results with the Galaxy Nexus, the Snapdragon S4 was able to reduce loading time for web pages by almost 0.3 seconds thanks to appreciable improvements in its JavaScript performance.

This is quite a brilliant benchmark result considering the quad core and single core options are also in the offing. The single core chip will most likely be for power saving performance whereas the dual core option will max out on multitasking as well as heavy processing power.


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