Earlier this year in March, Coolpad had launched the Coolpad Note 5 Lite which is a stripped-down variant of Coolpad Note 5. Now the company has discounted this variant which features a 16GB internal storage and has launched a 32GB storage variant of the smartphone at the same price. Other than this, rest of the specifications remains similar, including the 5-inch HD 2.5D curved glass display with 70.6% screen-to-body ratio, Quad-Core MediaTek MT6735 processor with 3GB RAM.
The Coolpad Note 5 Lite 32GB variant comes only in Royal Gold color and is priced at INR 8,199 and is available exclusively from Amazon.in. The 16GB variant has received a price cut and is available on Amazon.in for INR 7,499.
Coolpad Note 5 Lite Specifications
- Dimensions: 145.3×72.3×8.7mm | Weight:148 g
- 5.0-inch HD IPS 2.5D display
- 64 bit 1.0 GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6735CP CPU | Mali – T720 GPU
- 3GB RAM with 16GB storage (expandable with microSD up to 64GB)
- Hybrid Dual SIM | 4G VoLTE
- 13MP rear camera | f/2.2
- 8MP front-facing camera | LED flash | f/2.2
- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) with Cool UI 8.0
- Fingerprint sensor
- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS
- 2500mAh battery