Alongside the launch of Honor 8, Huawei has also launched the Honor 8 Smart in India. The device is powered by an Octa-Core Kirin 650 processor and features HiSilicon Hi6402 24-bit DAC and Smart PA amplifier. With aircraft grand aluminum alloy body the device looks very similar to Huawei P9 in terms of build quality. The device packs a 3000mAh battery which is claimed to last for 1.4 days, and has a fingerprint sensor at the rear just like the Honor 8.
Priced at INR 19,999, the Honor 8 Smart comes in Black, White and Gold colors. The availability of the device is not annaounced yet.
Honor 8 Smart specification
- 5.2-inch Full HD IPS display | 1500:1 contrast ratio | 405 nits brightness
- Octa-Core Kirin 650 (Cortex A53 – 4× 2 GHz + 4×1.7 GHz) | Mali T830 GPU
- 2GB RAM | 16GB internal memory (expandable up to 128GB)
- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) | Huawei EMUI 4.1
- 13MP rear camera | Sony IMX214 sensor | f/2.0 | 5P lens
- 8MP front-facing camera | f/2.0
- Fingerprint sensor, HiSilicon Hi6402 24-bit DAC, Smart PA amplifier
- 3000mAh battery