The Cyanogen team had posted a video of their Ice Cream Sandwich-based CyanogenMod 9 running on the HP TouchPad, and now they’ve gone ahead and released an Alpha 0 build of CyanogenMod 9 for the device, along with the complete source code. As with the case of alpha builds, there are always some basic features and issues that are yet to be fixed. In this build the camera, audio, microphone, and hardware-accelerated video are the issues that are yet to be addressed, and there are also problems with Market access as well as hardware issues. If you feel you can live with these things then its surely worth checking out, as the CyanogenMod team has been pretty quick in bringing their ICS based ROM. You can check out the Touchpad running the CyanogenMod 9 build video below and you can head the source link below for more details and instructions.


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