In the past year we have seen quite a few smartphone manufacturers introducing smartphones with Facebook being the highlight, designing phones with hardware Facebook buttons, deep facebook integration with the UI. One of such phones announced was a pair from INQ: the full touch Cloud Touch and the Cloud Q with a keyboard qwerty.

We saw the launch of Cloud Touch but CloudQ never saw the light of the day, we last heard of the phone coming in June but it never happened. Now after almost a year since INQ displayed Cloud Q at MWC, INQ has revealed that it has dropped plans for the phone and are focusing on the future hardware development.

Well INQ had put in some real hard work in getting the Cloud Q to the market but ultimately decided against it and that the device wasn’t ready for the mass market and now they intend to release a product somewhat later this year. Does an INQ made social networking based smartphone excite you ? INQ certainly does not think so.


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