HMD global has launched another mid-ranged smartphone in India, The Nokia 8.1 Plus which is a sucessor to the most popular Nokia 7 Plus. The device packs a 6.18-inch full HD+ display with 18.7:9 aspect ratio, along with Nokia’s Pure Display technology which enables it to keep the colors crisp and accurate even in bright sunlight. In terms of optics it has a 12MP + 13 MP dual camera combo with the 12MP unit having a f/1.8 aperture and a Sony IMX 363 sensor while on the front is a 20MP camera with f/2.0 aperture.
To power the Nokia 8.1 there’s a Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 processor coupled with 4GB of RAM and comes out of the box running the latest Android 9.0 Pie. It also has 64GB of internal storage that is expandable with a microSD card. The battery has a capacity of 3500mAh and supports fast charging.
The Nokia 8.1 will be available in Blue/Silver and Iron/Steel color variants and is priced at INR 26,999 and will be available for pre-order from Nokia official store, Amazon as well as offline stores.
Nokia 8.1 specifications:
- Dimensions: 154.8 x 75.76 x 7.97 mm; Weight: 180g
- 6.18-inch (2246 × 1080 pixels) Full HD+ Puredisplay with 18.7:9 aspect ratio, 500 nits brightness, 96% NTSC Color gamut, DCI-P3, 1500:1 Contrast ratio, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection
- Octa Core Snapdragon 710 10nm Mobile Platform (Dual 2.2GHz Kryo 360 + Hexa 1.7GHz Kryo 360 CPUs) with Adreno 616 GPU
- 4GB (LPPDDR4x) RAM, 64GB (eMMC 5.1) storage, expandable memory up to 400GB with microSD
- Hybrid Dual SIM (nano + nano / microSD)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- 12MP rear camera with dual-tone LED flash, 1/2.55″ Sony IMX363 sensor, f/1.8 aperture, 1.4μm pixels, OIS, 13MP secondary rear camera with f/2.2 aperture, ZEISS optics
- 20MP front-facing camera with f/2.0 aperture
- Fingerprint sensor, 3.5mm audio jack, Nokia OZO Stereo Audio recording
- Dual 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 ac (2.4GHz + 5GHz), Bluetooth 5, GPS + GLONASS, USB Type-C
- 3500mAh battery with fast charging