Few weeks ago OnePlus had released Android Oreo 8.0 for OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T in Open Beta program, with some UI bugs and battery optimisation issues. With the release of Android Oreo in Beta program, OnePlus made sure they were amongst the first few devices to get Android 8.0. Now, OnePlus has gone ahead and released OxygenOS 5.0 for the OnePlus 3/3T in the form of a staged rollout. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we’ll begin a broader rollout in a few days.
Although the Beta build was almost stable and was perfect as a daily driver, we expect the stable Oxygen OS 5.0 build based on Android Oreo will be the same and can be used as a daily driver. Although some of the UI bugs would have been fixed in the update and would be more optimised. Also, this update marks the end of life for both Oneplus 3 and OnePlus 3T as both these devices have received 2 major software upgrades that were promised by OnePlus. It is unsure at this time whether OnePlus will upgrade both devices to Android 8.1 Oreo.
The changelog for the OxygenOS 5.0 update is as below:
- Update to Android O (8.0)
- Added Parallel Apps
- Added Picture in Picture
- Added Auto-fill
- Added Smart text selection
- New Quick Settings design
- Updated security patch to September
- Added notification dots
- New app folder design
- Now able to upload photos directly to Shot on OnePlus