ZTE has launched the Blade A2 Plus smartphone in India. Earlier ZTE had launched the Blade A2 Plus in China in two RAM variants- 3GB and 4GB. However, India gets only the 4GB RAM variant option for now. But the key selling point of this device being a 5000mAh battery and support for fast charging. The device runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow with Mi-Favor skin on top.
The ZTE Blade A2 Plus comes in Gold and Silver color variants in India and is priced at INR 11,999. It will be available exclusively from Flipkart starting from February 6th.
ZTE Blade A2 Plus specifications:
- 5.5-inch Full HD | 2.5d curved glass display
- 1.5 GHz Octa-Core MediaTek MT6750T processor | Mali T860 GPU
- 4GB RAM | 32GB internal memory ( expandable)
- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) | Mi-Favor Skin
- Hybrid Dual SIM (nano + nano / microSD)
- 13MP rear camera | dual-tone LED Flash | PDAF
- 8MP front-facing camera | LED flash
- Fingerprint sensor | 4G VoLTE | Bluetooth 4.0
- 5000mAh battery | fast charging
ZTE has established high-trust and credibility of consumers and clients globally through its path breaking innovation, customization and high-quality services. We are committed to establish ZTE in the Indian market by launching innovative products at disruptive prices to connect with the consumers. – Sachin Batra, CMO, ZTE India Terminal