applewatch2Apple has officially launched the second-generation model of the smartwatch in the form of Apple Watch Series 2. The watch features a brighter display, improved processor and built-in GPS. While the new Apple Watch Series 2 looks pretty much the same, it is now waterproof and can go up to 50 meters underwater. The watch is now powered by Apples’s all new S2 chip with a faster dual-core processor and a new GPU with 2x graphics performance. The display on the new watch has also been updated and is now ( at 1000 nits) two times brighter than the original Apple Watch. In fact, Apple said that it is the “brightest display Apple has ever shipped.”

The Apple Watch Series 2 can count laps, track average lap pace and auto-detect stroke type to accurately measure active calorie burn.

Apple Watch2The 2nd Gen Apple Watch will be available in gold, rose gold, silver or space gray aluminum, or silver or space black stainless steel cases at $369. Interestingly there’s the new ceramic Edition of Apple Watch that starts at $1249 (US). Pre-order starts on September 9th and will be available on September 16th.


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