We know the Lumia 710 was announced to have been scheduled for release with T-Mobile on January 11th, 2012 according to their release schedule, and it did so. The question is that we are now towards the end of January and, although T-Mobile has given out release dates, they have yet to announce which devices will come to the carrier this quarter. To see the rest of the known Q1 schedule, read on.

Most of what we know right now are only the release dates of the devices, but not the devices themselves. Here are teh dates to expect new toys on the magenta network.

January 11, 2012 – Lumia 710

January 18, 2012 – We have no idea which phone it is, but we are so close to the date.

February 15, 2012 – Two, yes, two devices will launch on this date.

March 21, 2012 – Just in time for spring break, T-Mobile will launch another phone.

For travelers waiting and wondering which devices T-Mobile will carry, this feature can be a pain from the anxiety of hoping the device you’ve been longing after shows up. So when will T-Mobile release a schedule for which devices will carry this feature? I guess this is where we will have to wait patiently and stay in the dark until T-Mobile decides to post the device information.



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