We all know that all the big guns at the Web are opposed to the SOPA but we haven’t see any of them taking a step against it. Well that’s about to change for sure as Reddit have announced that they are going to blackout on January 18 to step against the act. On 18 January, visitors to Reddit’s usual wonderfully chaotic home page will instead be greeted by “a simple message about how the PIPA/SOPA legislation would shut down sites like Reddit, according to a blog post written by the Reddit team. The blackout will last from 8AM to 8PM EST.

Well this is a bold move by Reddit and is the first move by any company against SOPA but we’ll have to wait and see if it manages to make any impact and we hope to see a move from web’s big companies such as Google and Facebook who are opposed to the act to make a bold move like Reddit.



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