If you love computers and you’ve not heard of Raspberry Pi – where have you been!?

The Raspberry Pi is a range of compact and powerful single-board computers, designed as an affordable way of introducing people of all ages and backgrounds to programming and computing.

If you, a friend, or your children are interested in computers, it could be a fun way to learn lifelong skills on software development.

Here are five things that make the Raspberry Pi a must-have for computer fans.

It’s great for retro gaming

Were you a video game fan in the glory days of the Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive? Do you wish you could rescue Princess Peach or take down Doctor Robotnik all over again?

Well, with Raspberry Pi – you can! Whether you were a fan of the Japanese gaming giants of the 90s or go even further back with the likes of Atari, you can download software and program your Pi to emulate your favourite arcade or console games of the past.

It’s small

Raspberry Pi boards themselves measure just a few inches and can be as portable or permanent as you like, depending on how many peripherals you need for your project.

For example, Raspberry Pi kits with portable display cases are available if you want to code and program on the move.

It’s affordable

The top-of-the-range Raspberry Pi 4 Model B board with 8GB worth of memory retails for around £70. Some high-spec laptops with similar RAM retail for 10 times that.

Particularly for parents of children who show an interest in technology, it can be daunting when shopping around for kit. The Raspberry Pi comes at the extreme end of the affordability scale, and adds education and adventure in for good measure!

It’s accessible to children

The Raspberry Pi has come into its own in these tough times, becoming a go-to choice for schools as home-learning became prevalent across many stages of lockdown.

That functionality is matched by the Pi’s versatility. While it could be used to construct a complex line of coding to control a robot, it can also be used to create digital art – making it perfect for all interests and levels of tech comfort.

It’s so versatile

The Pi can be used as a personal computer, as a development board for experienced coders and as an educational tool to introduce children and novices to the basics of programming. 

The company’s own projects page is a great place to start if you’re looking for something to keep yourself busy. Which one will you pick first?


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