Not long back , Aircel had started it’s “Save our Tigers” Campaign by creating awareness using the line : 1411 Left . This campaign has turned out to be effective with the support of bodies like the Wildlife Conservation Trust , Sancutary Asia Magazine and many other individuals who have kickstarted their efforts in helping them reach the number of 5000 .
Although the count of Tigers now has increased to around 1700 , the Company and the supporters are more than aggressive. Not only has India’s 5th Largest Telecom provider positioned it’s brand well here but has actually been in an agent in awareness and social change.
India happens to contribute to more than 50% of the World’s total Tiger population and this resource is an integral part of the Forest ecosystem – from where much of the resources of the city dwellers are extracted. People of the Tier 1 & 2 cities are thereby targeted by Aircels campaign to spread the Word and join the “Save our Tigers” community.
To participate and to spread the word : Click here