It’s very rare to see major companies change brand names and Google’s “Android Market” brand has just been killed to give way for “Google Play” Google play has an interface very similar to that of Android market, but now all of Google’s cloud services like eBooks, Music, movies and apps are being given importance and marketed with separate sections.

Though Google eBooks and movies and music were already available in the Android market there was no separate section for it or a better interface to chose between them. I personally see this as a positive decision taken by Google, Play sounds like a really enthusiastic and fun kind of name also, now they are highlighting what they are providing which is a great marketing move. Currently on the web interface has been changed but in the coming days we will be seeing the Android Market applications on the phones being rebranded as Play, already the music application being a part of it has seen an update and has been renamed to Google Play Music. The logo of Google Play has also been changed as it wil not only be useful for your Android devices but also for your desktop (I am hoping).

Well, I always thought that this change was going to come some day, and I guess everyone should welcome it with open arms. As a part of celebrating Google Play, Google is also giving out 49 cents applications, which is quite great to grab attention. I would love to see the Play update on my Android phone, I hope there are interface changes too.


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