If you’ve been using smart phones for a considerable amount of time, there’s a very strong chance you’ve misread Skype as Swype, or vice versa, at least once. To clear this confusion, we’re seeing each of these apps get their own Android updates.

Skype started the month with an update for the Belle version of its VoIP software as well appearing in rumors of beta testing its app for Windows Phone handsets. Today, the company’s attention is on Android, with the release of version of its app. Perhaps the best news here is for owners of Sprints Galaxy S II and the Samsung Epic 4G Touch, which receives support for making video calls. However, the update isn’t just for them. A new call interface coupled with increased call quality should be enjoyed by all users.

In January, it was reported that Swype was planning on adding official Ice Cream Sandwich support in its next beta version. This seems to be done so users won’t have to rely on the hacky independently developed solutions. As expected, the new beta is now here with Android 4.0 compatibility. In addition to this new platform support, the keyboard should enjoy increased accuracy, and the app now has the ability to expand functionality with DragonGo! add-ons. Finally, tablet users are now able to download additional languages.


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