
We had earlier reported about the arrival of Kobo in India with the launch of their E-Book Readers and Tablets for the Indian market. Few days back at the Kobo Croma blogger’s meet there was an announcement made about their partnership in making the Kobo E-Readers and Tablets accessible at Croma stores.

Kobo has been a service providing firm and still claims to be so. Kobo provides electronic reading content on different devices with their application and after entering the hardware market they have made this even better. With the launch of Kobo’s E-Reader and Tablet which have been specifically designed for reading purposes Kobo is trying to expand their service coverage to more number of people.

Apart from the collaboration news between Kobo and Croma there was another news in favour of all the bloggers. Croma has launched a “Croma Blogger’s Club” which is a totally new concept in India. Bloggers across the country need to be a member of the Croma Blogger’s Club adding to which bloggers can visit their nearby Croma outlets, review products and write up about them. This definitely brings great opportunities for bloggers who have been tired of asking OEMs for the review units and continuously being ignored could be due to less number of review units or improper distribution channels anything. Atleast now we can expect good and original content coming up.


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