
In the present scenario we can’t handle when a service goes down, isn’t it? What happens if that’s your own?

We all rely on the web for almost everything. A single technical glitch and all its customers are dooomed. Remember when twitter or gmail were down, the kind of disruptions it caused on the web even though it was not for long.
The cost of server downtime have increased over the years due to increasing demand of these services. Roughly calculating, every minute of downtime costs $6,000 for the web administrator which makes it equivalent of $400,000 in an hour. That’s a big loss for any profitable business.

LogiCake, one of the new emerging startups from India have recently launched their offering Alertimizer to cut down the loss. Alertimizer offers realtime monitoring with a simple setup without any prior requirement of technical knowledge. It monitors for downtime and instantaneously inform users through Phone Call, SMS and email.

Pingdom which is a direct competitor to the service has a kind of disadvantage as it monitors the website from a server’s perspective instead of the user which makes it difficult for a layman to understand. Comparing with this giant, Alertimizer offers zero server setup as I said before, it just requires you to sign up for the service and enter the url to start monitoring along with the contact details where you want to receive the notifications. And that’s it, simple eh?

Getting in touch with the developers got us some more insights about the product and what it actually does. Getting this on a mobile with in-app notifications and Whatsapp alerts is the next thing in pipeline which shall be out soon with the final product. The product right now is in public beta and is available for 30 days limited trial and after that for a very attractive pricing of $2/month.

We have already started using Alertimizer with the blog and keeping a check on server without actually having to insert any extra code snippet in the header. This certainly looks interesting and feels like having a potential to help websites with the analytic domain.

Sign up for a free trial

Cost of Server Downtime


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