Netflix has started testing sleep timer with some Android users around the world to test a timer that automatically shuts down the app after a certain amount of time. If you use streaming shows or movies to fall asleep or put them on hold to do things, you can use this feature to get you started.

The timer function is displayed in the upper right corner of the Media Control screen while the content is playing. Users can set the Netflix app to auto-shutdown at 15-minute intervals for up to an hour or at the end of the current program.

A toast notification prompt appears when the timeout expires, with the option for the user to take a small break. The feature is currently only available on adult profiles and could be expanded to all mobile, computer and TV users if feedback is encouraging and the applications are relevant. The ultimate goal is probably to enable consumers to have more control of their personal lives. This could help users save some power as this would automatically turn off the show after a pre-defined time and it makes sure that the Netflix show does not keep running thought the night.