India has topped the list among the countries in case of the largest source of spam messages in the world for the third quarter of 2011. According to Kasperisky Lab’s spam report, 50 percent of all spam messages came from only six countries with India topping the list with 14.8 per cent of the spam with Indonesia, Brazil, Peru, South Korea and Ukraine the other countries in the top most source of spam messages.South America, Asia and Eastern Europe are the regions were top ten sources of spam messages are located according to the report. The report rightly points out that “This is due to the fact that there are numerous users in these countries and they are, for the most part, not very experienced when it comes to IT security. This makes them a soft target for cyber criminals spreading spam-bots,” The report also says that GCC countries account for only 1.33 per cent of all the spams, the  reason for the low numbers in these countries is said to be because of the less number of users and very stringent vigilance of IT.


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