RIM’s CEO Thorsten Heins

RIM CEO Thorsten Heins comment back to the New York Times on their controversial cum insulting article about BlackBerry smart phones. As per the posted article, BlackBerry users are “embarassed” to hold their BlackBerry smart phones. Protecting the company, the CEO replies that there are 80 million BlackBerry users worldwide and each of them take pride in holding their smart phone. Then he comments about the number of apps in the App World, the security of the platform and the upcoming BB10.

Thorsten sounded determined about his company (obviously), all set to turn around the rumours coming up. Current BlackBerry’s although are not capable to compete with the current Androids and iPhones but 2013 is not far when we all will see what BlackBerry 10 has got.

Here is the letter written by Thorsten Heins.

“BlackBerry as Black Sheep in Smartphones” (Business Day, Oct. 16) lacks the balance your readers expect.

With more than 80 million customers globally, BlackBerry is growing and remains one of the world’s most popular smartphones. I’ve just come from visiting carriers and partners in all parts of the world, and they have told me that there are millions of BlackBerry fans out there who not only find great value in their device, but also pride in being a BlackBerry owner.

While any report of dissatisfaction among our users is a cause for concern that I take very seriously, the comments supporting BlackBerry both online and in calls we’ve received from our customers in response to your article are encouraging to me.

BlackBerry remains the leader in providing security for corporate customers, which is why more than 90 percent of the Fortune 500 rely on BlackBerry. It’s true that some companies put restrictions on accessing certain applications for security reasons, but applications like Yelp and OpenTable are, in fact, among the approximately 100,000 apps available in BlackBerry AppWorld.

We’ve received excellent feedback from carriers, developers and partners for our upcoming BlackBerry 10 platform and are on track to deliver it in the first quarter of 2013. We appreciate the customers who have remained loyal to the BlackBerry platform and look forward to winning back many who have left.

President and Chief Executive
Research In Motion
Waterloo, Ontario, Oct. 16, 2012


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