Slowly YouTube has been launching its new Storyboard feature for viewers of the site. YouTube has created a storyboard option to allow viewers to skip frames while watching videos online. You are given the option to hover your mouse to your desired time in a video, without moving the video ahead, and the player will preview an image thumbnail of a frame at the current pointer position. This means that you are able to view ahead the entire video while its still buffering, cool? Absolutely! Some say this gives the impression of YouTube copying a bit from Netflix and Hulu’s storyboard feel. As an avid YouTuber and publisher, I say thanks, since the new YouTube will be the best thing to hit the site since its last redesign a few months back.

YouTube hasn’t said a word on the matter, but, just like everything else out there, it will take time for this storyboard-like feature to completely hit YouTube so that we can all enjoy its wonderful, fast, and effective Storyboard/Timeline.


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