Tired refreshing the twitter homepage to get your time-line back? or thought there’s something wrong with your Internet connection or even worse your computer? Don’t worry nothings wrong from your side, its the twitter which was down for an hour or so. Most likely, it was due to the heavy load that it came down though gradually starting with the main site and then the API affecting the apps linked to it.

Twitter acknowledged the problem on their support page and said that the issue will resolved soon.
There was no offline page like what was in past when twitter went down but it was confirmed that this is an on-going issue. In the past two years twitter handled the rush very well even at the time of death of Michael Jackson when people made thousands of tweets per second, but don’t know what went wrong now. Many of the twitter addicts, who tweet about every second of their life were like choked for that death hour without their medium of speech.

Anyways its back now, with the issues resolved. Enjoy tweeting!


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