Anybody using Wikipedia has probably seen banners in the past few months asking you to give financial support to the site with a gentle reminder of how much the encyclopedia has done to help you all over the years with all the information you need and this is the time you help the site develop with funds. Well it seems Wikipedia has reached its financial target of $20 million and likewise all the fundraising banners have disappeared for this year.

Only one banner remains which says Thank You from the Wikimedia Foundation’s executive director Sue Gardner on the homepage of the site. In this message she says “despite being the 5th most visited globally, Wikipedia and its sister sites operate on a tiny fraction of resources of any other top site. I promise you that we will use your money carefully”.

The resources of the site includes the 79 only full time staff with almost half of the budget being spent on sites development and software and with no commercial advertising these annual fundraising drives are the only major source of revenue.

We on a personal note too would like to thank the entire WikiMedia foundation for providing us with one of the best online resources that too free from commercials.


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