We reported that companies were planning to blackout to oppose the SOPA and Reddit was the first one to step ahead and declare that on January 18th they will have a 12 hour blackout in protest of the Act but the opposition needed support from the big companies and now Wikipedia has joined in too and they plan to have a full day blackout this Wednesday to oppose SOPA.

The blackout by Wikipedia, the sixth most popular site on the web will surely add some weight to oppose the Act. “If passed, this legislation will harm the free and open Internet and bring about new tools for censorship of international websites inside the United States,” the Wikimedia foundation said.  Wikipedia will be closing down all its English-language sites for a full day in protest of SOPA and PIPA legislation. Wikipedia will shut down access from midnight Eastern Standard Time (0500 GMT) on Tuesday night until midnight Wednesday. Although big sites like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, eBay, AOL and others have spoken openly against the act, we are yet to see a strong step by them.


  1. Wikipedia Blackout: So what Options to Utilize?…

    Wikipedia blackout begins on Wednesday and will last for one day. Maybe it’s not the end of the whole world, however this can be a big trouble for some people…


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