Chinese smartphone brand Meizu has launched its budget smartphone M3s in India. The Meizu M3s will challenge the likes of sub 10k smartphones selling in the country that includes some popular handsets from Lenovo, Motorola and Xiaomi and Indian smartphone makers. The m3s is very similar but slightly larger than the Xiaomi Redmi 3S. However, Redmi 3s is a bit heavier and thicker than M3s.
The Meizu M3s comes in Grey, Silver and Gold color variants and is priced at INR 7,999, for 2 GB RAM/16 GB ROM variant and INR 9299 forĀ 3 GB RAM/32 GB ROM variant. The device is exclusively available on Snapdeal starting today.
Meizu M3s Specifications:
- 5.5-inch HD display (720X1280 pixel resolution)
- 1GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6750 processor
- 2 GB RAM / 16 GB ROM and 3 GB RAM / 32 GB ROM
- Android 5.1 (Lollipop) | Flyme 5
- Dual SIM
- 13MP rear camera | LED Flash
- 5MP front-facing camera | f/2.0 aperture
- 3020mAh battery