We all love Android for the various range of customization it offers us users via the various Custom ROMs and if you ever wished to see a windowed like UI on your Android like the OS X, Linux and Windows operating systems then you may soon see your wish turning reality. Wind River, a branch on Intel, has found a way around that restriction, and may make true user window management on Android a reality soon.

Wind River has announced a series of software modules that they are going to show off at the CES that allow Android OEMs and developers to add functionality of multi windows to Google’s OS. It seems quite strange to us though because the smartphone screen estate does not give enough room for the multi-windowed UI but we’ll be happy to see this implemented anyway and we are quite sure it’ll be great for tablets. And the picture shows quite an older version of Android so we’ll have to see if the module is ready for ICS. We’ll get more details on it when the CES commences. Stay Tuned.


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