There’s a great ray of hope for people waiting to jailbreak their iPhone 4S and iPad 2s. It seems the (in)famous hacker pod2g, who is in the limelight for the successful untethered jailbreak of iOS 5+ (devices before the A5), has managed to proceed much further and is almost done to come out with jailbreak for 4S an iPad 2.


Also pod2g and Joshua Hill a.k.a. p0sixninja (Chronic-dev Team) are informing and reminding people that they can safely upgrade their A5 devices to iOS 5.0.1 till they have a chance. The jailbreak, if all goes well will work on the latest version. Also i advice people to save their SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella and iFaith, you can always downgrade to previous firmwares using them.

Pod2g who took the comex’s approach of doing everything by himself, handed over the A4 jailbreak work to other devs so that he could concentrate more on the difficult A5 jailbreak. He’s one of the most valuable members of the jailbreak community now, and we hope to see him progress like this further in future. Eagerly waiting for the good news from him, aren’t we ?

Please go here to donate to pod2g for his excellent work.


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