All the Nokia N9 users and Nokia fans felt very much saddened when the news came about that the important members of the Nokia staff who had been working at the Meego development had left the company thus putting the future of the impressive OS to the grave but it seems the swipe friendly Meego is yet to die as a start-up Finnish company Jolla Ltd. founded by the aforementioned ex-Nokians have decided to give Meego a deserved rebirth. The word Jolla cones from Finnish and it means a better rescue boat which is a tongue in cheek reference to the way Nokia has killed the platform.

The folks at Jolla consist of people who had brought us the iconic N9 . Marc Dillon is the Chief Operating Officer of Jolla Ltd. who has been with Nokia for almost eleven years. From January 2006 until his departure, he was the Principal Engineer for MeeGo at the Nokia, so that says it all. They plan to develop MeeGo and will practically pick up the effort right from the point where Nokia left off with Meego Harmattan  to build their very own smartphone.

They plan to give Meego their own brand new UI to go with a new hardware. This is certainly great news for Meego fans and people who thought Meego was pretty darn impressive and was the way Nokia should’ve gone but the people at Jolla have made it clear that they will not be bringing updates to Nokia devces such as the N9 and N950 which run Meego as they’ve got nothing to do with Nokia but we still expect their developments to come to these devices.

We are quite eager to see what Jolla would bring as reportedly they have been in work since late 2011 and plan to show off their developments later this year, only then we’ll be able to see if this project really has potential. Till then, stay tuned as we’ll bring you all scoops as we get to know more about this project.


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