Earlier in August, Lenovo after quite a while launched K8 Note in India. Now, we have got an official invite for the launch of Lenovo K8 and Lenovo K8 Plus in India next week. The company has officially confirmed the launch on September 6, 2017. We haven’t got any official confirmation about the specs or the pricing but it again should be a budget device just like the Lenovo K8 Note.
#KraveForMore focus and simplicity? #LenovoK8Plus will give you just that! Unveiling on 6th Sep, on @Flipkart: https://t.co/bLVad2qtzm pic.twitter.com/bSfI546GID
— Lenovo India (@Lenovo_in) September 1, 2017
Running by the teasers posted by the Chinese smartphone company on social media, the Lenovo K8 Plus will have dual rear cameras and probably the same 4,000mAh battery or more. Lenovo K8 Plus was recently spotted on GeekBench which reveals that the smartphone will be powered by a 1.69GHz MediaTek Helio P25 processor and will be coupled with 3GB of RAM. The smartphone will be running on stock Android Nougat 7.1.1 much like the K8 Note. Some reports also suggest that Lenovo K8 might also be launching with Lenovo K8 Plus though there are no confirmations from the company yet.
The Lenovo K8 Note was launched in India starting for ₹12,999 with 3GB RAM and 32GB on-storage. Along with this, it was also launched in 4GB/64GB variant as well which might be the case with K8 Plus too. Also, the Lenovo K8 Plus will be available exclusively on Flipkart. We shall be present at the venue and will be reporting live from the venue. Stay tuned on our social channels for more updates.