OnePlus 5 backYesterday OnePlus made the back of the OnePlus 5 public with a post on its social channels. This confirmed the existence of dual rear cameras in a horizontal alignment. The design as we can infer from the posted picture looks quite sleek and yes, inspired from the iPhone 7 Plus because the back will look quite similar. The edges though look quite thin and tapered which is not the case with iPhone 7 Plus.

Now that we are getting close to the announcement on June 20 which is merely 10 days from today, we have got another leak about the India pricing of the upcoming flagship killer. As per a reliable source reported by True-Tech, they have got a pricing table of OnePlus 5 India pricing. The table lists a 6GB/64GB model at ₹32,999 (nearly ~$513) while the 8GB/128GB model is supposed to cost ₹37,999 (nearly ~$591).

oneplus 5 india pricing leaked
Source :

Yes, OnePlus 5 will be company’s most expensive smartphone till date and we have no doubt about that but we can’t just take it as final pricing yet. Though this surely solidifies our guess at two different memory/storage variants coming to India. ₹32,999 for the 64GB model will be excellent pricing according to us. It will definitely hit the market once again just like the OnePlus 3T but let’s wait for an announcement from the company.


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