Samsung on its World Tour launched their latest flasgship in India at the price tag of 43,180 INR at New Delhi on May 31. little expensive huh? The Galaxy SIII bundles with an exclusive offer for Vodafone customers with 3GB of data usage for 2 months, valid till 31 August 2012.

The SGS3 features a 4.8″ HD super AMOLED screen with 306ppi, 1.4 Ghz Exynos Quad Core Processor loaded with Android 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich, 1GB of RAM, 16 GB (32GB not coming to India) of storage, with microSD expansion upto 64gb , Bluetooth 4.0. There is an 8 megapixel camera at the back, and a 1.9 megapixel front facing camera, both having the capability to record HD. The phone weighs just 133g and is just 8.6mm at its thickest point. All that powered by a 2100 mAh battery which is maximum for any smartphone in the market.

The device comes with optional accessories like flip cover, slim case, desktop dock, HDTV adapter, Capacitive pen and Allshare cast dongle.
The device will be available in indian market in two colors Marble white, for now and Pebble blue coming soon.

Check out later for the hands-on review of the new Galaxy SIII.


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