Facebook is officially launching a host of new features including its new podcasting feature integrated inside Facebook. It will allow you to listen to and watch podcasts with your followers and friends. Users will also be allowed to upload and share podcasts.


They will also bring a way to download and save podcasts for offline viewing. They are also trying to expand the podcasts to videos too. “We’ve built Facebook to help you stay connected with the people who matter to you most. And one way we do that is to make it easy for people to listen to and watch Facebook Live and share their experiences through audio and video,” said Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch. They are doing endless efforts to connect people in every other way.

The upcoming Facebook event is scheduled for June 22 which will bring tons of new features. An email was also sent by Facebook to owners of podcast sites that from 22nd June, Podcasts will be supported by Facebook. The hosts can share links of their podcasts directly to their RSS feed and create a notification to their subscribers.

Facebook Podcasts

Another feature that will be introduced is Clips for podcasts which will help users to create and share short audio clips quickly.

Optional Features: Enable Clips


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