The telegram app has recently released a new update with Telegram v4.9 which has added new features on it. Telegram has introduced Telegram Passport which offers an end to end encryption security to save your personal identification documents. Along with this, Telegram has added a new “Mark as Read” button on the notification panel.
The new “Mark as Read” button which comes along the “Reply” was one of the most requested features on it. With this feature, you can mark messages as read from the message notification itself. It would ease the hassle to open the application when you already know the content of the message. Also, it would remove the unread counter displaying beside that chat when you do open the app.
Talking about the new, Telegram Passport feature, it’s a unified authorization method for services that require personal identification. Upload your documents once, then instantly share your data with services that require real-world ID (finance, ICOs, etc.). You can learn more about that from here.
All these small improvements have made it one of the popular Instant Messaging App among WhatsApp and others. We would like to see more requested features added on the app as soon its possible. For now, this update is limited to Android only, we’re not sure about the iOS update. If you haven’t seen the new features you can download the updated app from the play store or from here itself.
Download – Telegram Android