When smart phones first started to really take off, and the first tablets hit, in early 2010, so did the sales of ARM-based processors. By the beginning of 2012, ARM processors already hit speeds of 2.5GHz quad core, the equivalent of most high-end desktop computers and notebooks.

ARM-based processors are energy efficient, compact, quick and affordable, and after many years Microsoft has taken the initiative of creating a complete desktop operating system specially just for that platform, with the main aim of course of creating tablets. Here are a few reasons why Windows 8 RT has a bright future:

Windows Tablets

The iPad is undoubtedly the only tablet currently available on the market that matters and Microsoft wants a slice of that (Apple) pie. Windows RT will provide consumers with sleek, slim, quick and efficient tablet computers running on the only desktop operating system that the mass market cares about. Tablets are the future of computers, and thus it seems fit that they get a Windows operating system just for that.

Desktop Computers

Power hungry monsters with chassis will be a thing of the past, the same with hardware customisation. A large, tablet-like, touch device will be the only thing you have and need, add Kinect; and mice and keyboards will only be seen in attics and museums. Certain disadvantages like power failures will also be things of the past thanks to small, temporary batteries.


What? Just like netbooks; notebooks and ultrabooks will ultimately disappear completely. Tablets will replace them, specifically those with keyboard docks like the Asus Transformer and Microsoft Surface tablets. Virtual keyboards, swipe gestures, voice recognition and other input methods will turn tablets into the dominating portable computing devices.


Windows Phone and Windows RT are built on the same kernels, they are also said to support each others’ applications and eventually they will blend into one platform. Of course the risk of fragmentation will still be an important factor, but in the end your computer, console, tablet and phone will run on one OS and you’ll be able to continue anything you were busy with, with full functionality.


After many years consumers will finally be able to buy one game and be able to play it on their console, computer, tablet, and phone thanks to the universal OS. RT will also make life easier for programmers who will only need to write one programme for all the different platforms, ensuring improved quality.

Smart TVs

iTV and the Nexus Q will be put to shame, as will Android-powered Smart TVs. A Windows RT based Smart TV will be revolutionary. All of your devices connected through the cloud or a network and a common OS. Movies, series, and other content will be streamed straight to all of your devices, allowing you to continue from where you left off on any of your devices. Allowing you to use your tablet or phone as a remote control or the source of content.

In-car Infotainment Systems

Streaming and syncronising yet again will play an important role here. GPS, movies, series, games, music, radio and all such services would be accessible from a phone or tablet that shares the data with your vehicle. Imagine Nokia Drive for the driver, music for the passenger and games or movies for the kids. The possibilities are endless.

Ease of Use

The Metro UI is different. It’s easy to use and springs away from the usual, boring user interface. It’s something fresh and useful and should prove to be successful as Windows enters its transition from desktop to portable devices. A swipe here and a swipe there would be all you need, no more double click this, double click that. By the end of next year, you’ll barely remember what it was like to use Windows XP and 7.

Windows RT is definitely a step forward, a step in the right direction and the end of Windows as we know it. Microsoft will ensure it’s a success, their partners will ensure it’s a success and consumers will ensure it’s a success.


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