We have been hearing great things about the latest Windows, Windows 8, some even terming it as revolutionary and now after months of waiting, we finally have the Windows 8 Consumer Preview up for download for the public.

The Consumer Preview build includes access to Metro style applications and it has gone through over 100,000 changes Microsoft since the Windows 8 Developer Preview available. You can download the ISO file or the setup tool from the source link below which also has all the instructions. The Consumer Preview is available in English, Chinese, French, German, and Japanese. It is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The minimum requirements for the Consumer Preview to run are a 1GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB of free storage space, and a DirectX 9-compatible graphics card which is exactly the ssame requirements as needed to run Windows 7.

Do tell us your feedback on Microsoft’s latest Windows once you download the Consumer Preview.


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