Some stats have been released by Google about the smartphone usage that it commissioned from research firm Iposos MeadiCT. The outcome was largely predictable, with minor surprises about the direction the world is taking. The same thing was also done around early 2011 and again towards the end of the year.
The data was measured of the 5 leading countries in the wireless charge , namely – the UK, US, France, Germany, and Japan. The UK turned out to be the overall leader in smartphone usage at 45% followed by France and the US at 38% each. But according to Nielsen’s Q3 2011 figures, the American Smartphone penetration was at 44%. Of course these surveys are never precise sciences, and Google’s study polled 2000 residents of each country “representative of the population.” The common points in all the 5 countries were that smartphones were rapidly taking the ground from the feature phones. The most interesting data point might be PC usage. It’s holding firm across the board, seemingly muting the belief that smartphones and tablets are already supplanting them.


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