note8The Galaxy Note has been the elite series of high-end phablet and tablet devices from Samsung. While rumors of an additional member to the Note line of devices were filling the air, they seem to be backed regularly by new and fresh evidences.

If the rumors are to be believed, the Galaxy Note 8 will run on a quad-core 1.6GHz processor, 2GB of RAM. It will sport the Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system and a 5 megapixel rear camera and will offer 16 GB internal storage. The display is rumoured to support 1280*800 pixels resolution.

A source also came out with a photo which shows the new device with an S-Pen. By the looks of it we get the same feeling we got back in the day when the first iPad came out- a stretched form factor with great level of resemblance to its smaller brother , the Note 5.5.

Finally, a Galaxy Tab III Plus is also in Samsung’s plans, though little is known about what to expect. We still have a bit of time before MWC is upon us. Until then, I’m sure the Galaxy Note 8.0 leaks will continue to flow.


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